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Curt Hayes

Didja Know...??? All I need is the air that I be clean!

COVID-19 propels air purification to the forefront.

In this week's post we'll take a closer look at how COVID-19 has propelled Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) from little known curiosity to relevant and real new sales opportunity.  As many home owners now focus on "home sanitation", it's not only surfaces that are getting attention but the air, as well.  If there's one thing the "mask" debate has done, it's clearly established the fact that COVID-19 is an airborne virus spread not only by coughs and sneezes, but simply talking (or singing, but that's a different debate!).  So what to do about the air?

This recent article by Jason Knott in CEPro provides a great summary of the opportunity.  In it he notes:  "According to a recent article on Yahoo Lifestyle, studies show that coronavirus particles can linger in the air for as much as 30 minutes and move as much as 15 feet from the original source".

He further notes:  "Viruses and bacteria attached themselves to dust particles in the air the size of 0.3 microns, which is what a HEPA efficiency level air purifier can filter out. More sophisticated filters capture particles as tiny as 0.007 microns at a greater than 99.99% efficiency, according to a recent article in the NY Times."

True to form, the CEDIA channel has stepped up with great solutions to address the concerns of homeowners.

Again, Jason Knott notes in this article:  "Pure365, which recently partnered with the Azione as the buying group's official wellness offering, has put together a good/better/best package of indoor air quality solutions for integrators."

Further, as highlighted in this recent article in CEPro:  "PureTech Alliance of 12 veteran independent reps will bring health and wellness suppliers and education to custom channel."

It's apparent that opportunity awaits the AV/smart systems integrators who can see it, educate themselves on it and effectively "message" to their clients.  To that end, here's one more great article on pioneering wellness company Delos...nothing like a "healthy" bump in sales to make a business owner "breathe easier" (sorry, dad jokes...I'm guilty!).

Didja Know...??? Is a series of "information bits" by Curt Hayes, BlueDog Group co-founder and managing partner, and architect of the BlueDog Database.


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